Audition Notice: Gentleman’s Guide to Love & Murder

Director – Jovanni Sy | Music Director – Rachel Cameron | Set & LX Designer – Adam Parboosingh

Rehearsal & Performance Dates

Principle Rehearsals begin May 27th or 28th, 2022
Ensemble Rehearsals begin May 30th, 2022
Performance Dates: June 21st, 2022 - June 26th, 2022
Manitoba Theatre for Young People

Audition Details

Auditions will be held…
December 20th, 21st, & 22nd, 2021
(Call backs will be held on December 22nd)
Prairie Theatre Exchange – Portage Place Mall

PLEASE EXPRESS INTEREST BY Friday, December 17th, 2021
to the attention of
Donna Fletcher (
E-mail subject line: A Gentleman’s Guide to Love & Murder – Auditions
Only Electronic submissions will be accepted.

Please include the following in your e-mail submission:

  1. Indicate preferred audition date and the character for which you would like to audition.

  2. Please attach a current resume and headshot.

Please note:

  • In Person Auditions will be granted at the discretion of the creative team.

  • Only those selected for an audition will be contacted. For those who cannot attend, ZOOM or self-tape auditions may be considered.

  • Actors of any ethnicity, ability or gender are encouraged to audition.

  • Equity members cast in this production will be engaged under a CAEA ITA contract.

  • Equity members will be given first priority. Submissions by Non-Equity members are welcome.

  • ***Proof of Double Vaccination Status must be attached with Audition Submission***

Audition Requirements (All Roles are Available)

Actors will be asked to prepare character specific songs and sides from A Gentleman’s Guide to Love & Murder. A variety of accents from the British Isles will be used in the show so actors are encouraged to bring in an offering of their accent(s) of choice. Strong actor/singers & versatile classically trained singers are encouraged to submit.

Familiarity with the material is strongly advised but the sides absolutely do not need to be memorized. An Accompanist will be provided. All audition material can be found at (see the bottom of this page) on Sunday, December 12th, 2021.

About the Play

To celebrate the joy of Dry Cold Productions’ return to the stage we are thrilled to present the Manitoba Premiere of the multiple Tony Award winning A Gentleman’s Guide to Love & Murder. A distant heir to a family fortune sets out to speed up the line of succession by using a great deal of charm... and a dash of murder. When the low-born Monty Navarro finds out that he's eighth in line for an earldom in the lofty D'Ysquith family, he figures his chances of outliving his predecessors are slight and sets off down a far more ghoulish path. Can he knock off his unsuspecting relatives without being caught and become the ninth Earl of Highhurst? And what of love? Because murder isn't the only thing on Monty's mind....

Character Breakdown

There are 5 principal acting roles. The production will also feature an acting ensemble of 6 who will play many supporting and cameo roles. See descriptions below for more information about principal and ensemble roles. Actors of any ethnicity, ability or gender are encouraged to audition. ALL ROLES ARE AVAILABLE.

The D’Ysquith Family

The principal conceit of Gentleman’s Guide is that one actor plays all members of the D’Ysquith family. As such the actor portraying the D’Ysquiths must have a tremendous and transformational acting ability. All D’Ysquith family members are farces of British high society in the early 20th century Music Hall/Panto style. Actor should have strong physical comedic skills and accent ability to help establish and differentiate multiple characters. Must have stamina to carry the different characters throughout the show and make extraordinarily quick costume changes. Strong singing isn’t paramount but must be able to carry a tune and hold their part in two-part harmony.

Vocal range top: G#4
Vocal range bottom: F#2/Bb3

Monty Navarro

Monty learns his mother was a disinherited member of the D’Ysquith royal family and he is ninth in line for the Earldom of Highhurst. He then proceeds to make plans to murder each of his family members and secure his place as Earl. Monty must be charismatic and cunning enough to ingratiate himself with both the audience and his prospective victims. He is a leading man, and often, the straight man, in the show. Monty should also have excellent physical comedy skills to adequately play along with the D’Ysquiths in their various incarnations. Charming and handsome, Monty is not upper class but has no trouble blending in with high society.

Male Identifying
Vocal range top: Bb5
Vocal range bottom: Bb3

Phoebe D’Ysquith

Monty’s cousin. Phoebe was raised high class with idealistic fantasies of love. As beautiful as Sibella, Phoebe foils Sibella in her interest in love over status, and a desire to find the true virtue in people. Though she is smart and earnest, she can also be naive. Must be an excellent singer with a legit, possibly operatic sound. A true soprano.

Female Identifying
Vocal range top: high sustained C#6 with an optional Eb
Vocal range bottom: G#3

Sibella Hallward

The girl Monty truly loves. A beautiful and flirtatious social climber, Sibella has true affection for Monty but also true affection for social status. Sibella is smart, funny and stylish and, as far as relationships are concerned, she wants to have her cake and eat it too.

Female Identifying
Vocal range top: Gb5
Vocal range bottom: F#3

Miss Shingle

Monty's unexpected visitor. Sneaky and mysterious, Miss Shingle has an obvious sense of justice. She comes to tell Monty the secret of his D’Ysquith lineage with a pivotal song in Act 1 that sets up the story of the show. Miss Shingle does not need to be a strong singer but should be a supreme and interesting character actor with a vocal style to match.

Female Identifying
Vocal range top: E5
Vocal range bottom: Eb3

The Ensemble

These actors will play 40+ roles including: Lady Eugenia, Miss Barley, Tom Copley, Detective Pinckney, The Magistrate, various clerks, newsboys, ancestors, maids, actors and many others. All Ensemble members should be comfortable with simple movement.

Soprano (coloratura) Ab4 Bb6
Mezzo Bb4 G5
Alto Gb3 Gb5
Tenor Ab3 B5
Baritone Ab3 G#4
Bass C2 G#4

Directed by Jovanni Sy – A Calgary-based playwright, director, and performer Jovanni served as Artistic Director of Gateway Theatre (Vancouver) and of Cahoots Theatre (Toronto). His one-man play, A Taste of Empire, was nominated for two Dora Awards and was subsequently translated into Cantonese and Tagalog. Jovanni’s award-winning play Nine Dragons premiered in Calgary in 2017 before transferring to Winnipeg and Vancouver. He currently has under development Kowloon Bay for Vertigo Theatre and Salesman in China (with Leanna Brodie) for the Stratford Festival. Jovanni is looking forward to working with all the wonderful artists in Winnipeg.

Music Direction by Rachel Cameron – A Winnipeg-based Music Director and musician, Rachel has a background in musical theatre and collaborative musicianship, holding a Bachelor of Theatre and Film from the University of Winnipeg. She has extensive training in piano, theatre, and voice – working with schools across Winnipeg and acting as one of the city’s primary vocal coaches and audition pianists. Recent music direction credits include Theory of Relativity (MTYP Young Company), Fun Home (RMTC) & Guys & Dolls (Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra). Rachel was MD for Dry Cold’s 2018 production of Falsettos (w/ WJT).

Audition Sides

Character Breakdown

There are 5 principal acting roles and an acting ensemble of 6 who will play many supporting and cameo roles. See descriptions below for more information about audition sides.

The D’Ysquith Family

The principal conceit of Gentleman’s Guide is that one actor plays all members of the D’Ysquith family. All D’Ysquith family members are farces of British high society in the early 20th century Music Hall/Panto style.

Prepare Song Excerpts Poison in my Pocket #1, Lady Hyacinth Abroad & I Don't Understand the Poor
Prepare Side Labelled D’Ysquith Audition Sides

Monty Navarro

Monty learns his mother was a disinherited member of the D’Ysquith royal family and is ninth in line for the Earldom of Highhurst. He makes plans to murder each of his family members to secure his place as Earl. Monty is charismatic and often, the straight man in the show. Monty is not upper class but has no trouble blending in with high society. - Male Identifying

Prepare Song Excerpts labelled Monty Sides (Included in package Foolish To Think & Poison in My Pocket)
Prepare Side labelled Monty Audition Sides

Phoebe D’Ysquith

Monty’s cousin. Phoebe was raised high class with idealistic fantasies of love. Though she is smart and earnest, she can also be naive. - Female Identifying

Prepare Song Excerpt Inside Out
Prepare Side labelled Phoebe Audition Sides

Sibella Hallward

The girl Monty truly loves. A flirtatious social climber, Sibella is smart, funny and stylish and, as far as relationships are concerned, she wants to have her cake and eat it too. - Female Identifying.

Prepare Song Excerpt Poor Monty
Prepare Side labelled Sibella Audition Sides

Miss Shingle

Monty's unexpected visitor. Sneaky and mysterious, Miss Shingle comes to tell Monty the secret of his D’Ysquith lineage. - Female Identifying

Prepare Song Excerpt You're a D'Ysquith
Prepare Side labelled Miss Shingle Audition Sides

The Ensemble

These actors will play 40+ roles including: Lady Eugenia, Miss Barley, Tom Copley, Detective Pinckney, The Magistrate, various clerks, newsboys, ancestors, maids, actors and many others.

Soprano (coloratura) Mezzo
Alto Tenor
Baritone Bass

Prepare Song Excerpt The Prologue
(Actors should sing the vocal part that suits their vocal range best. - At measures 19 - W1 and W2 should sing Alto, W3 on Soprano, M1 and M3 should sing Tenor, M2 on bass)

W3 should also prepare Song Excerpt Poison in My Pocket W3
M3 should also prepare Song Excerpt The Last One You'd Expect M3
Prepare Sides labelled Copley, Inspector Pinkney, Lady Eugenia & Miss Barley Audition Sides